Catering Menu

Like it in the restaurant? You’ll love it at your party, simcha, catered event!
Simply call and place your order:

(212) 689-9000 or (212) 737-1700
(Prices effective Aug. 19, 2021)

Deli Sandwiches and Assorted Meat Platters*

* All platters contain cold sandwiches or meat.
**Does not include Tongue

The Assorted Sandwich Platter includes sour and half sour pickles, sour tomatoes and red peppers.

Cole Slaw Salad Bowl

Cole Slaw Salad Bowl


Cole Slaw, Potato Salad, Health Salad, Macaroni Salad, Cucumber Salad, Israeli Salad or Assorted Sours (pickles, tomatoes, and peppers)

Lox Platter

Smoked Salmon Lox Platter

Appetizing (Smoked Fish) Platters

All Appetizing Platters include assorted bagels, parve cream cheese, tomatoes, onions, and capers.

Chopped Liver Mold

Chopped Liver Mold

Molds (Appetizer Portion)

Chopped Liver, Tuna Salad, Egg Salad, or a combination mold:

All Molds are served with bread.

Mini Hot Dogs

Mini Hot Dogs

Gourmet Hors D’Oeuvres


***Please call in advance; minimum of 24 per order

Combination Dessert Platter

Combination Dessert Platter featuring Chocolate Babka, Assorted Cookies, and Rugalach (chocolate or raisin & nut).


Updated August 2024